lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009

Clase de Hoy

Estimados Alumnos,

Debido a un viaje no programado no voy a poder asistir a clases el día de hoy. Recureden que tienen pendiente la lectura de los capítulos 10,11 y 12. Hoy puede utilizar su tiempo en armar un documento en word con la siguiente información de su industria.

Muchas gracias por su comprensión.

I. Modeling questions
- Audited financial statements available ( si existieran)
- Latest management cash flow and balance sheet information
- Model or projections on the company
- Capex and large investments needs
- Review key working capital items and main parameters
- Provide debt breakdown including key terms such as amounts, currency, maturity, covenants. Discuss refinancing plans, if any
- Description of any non-operating and non-recurring / extraordinary gains / losses
- Provide list of fixed assets, denoting accumulated depreciation and depreciation schedule
- Provide list of intangible assets including amortization schedule
- Comment on key business drivers going forward including volume, price and cost expectations

II. Operational
- Brief overview of the business , including location, capacity and productivity
- Comment on the company's strategy if applicable, indicating facilities, investments, growth potential
- Comment on the company's commercialization strategy and logistics infra-structure
- Comment on business seasonality and impact on the company's results
- Discuss expansion plans, including organic growth, acquisitions and new businesses opportunities

III. Customers & suppliers
- List the top 10 largest customers and their revenue contribution
- Comment on supply agreements and key terms identifying any relevant long-term supply contract
- Describe key suppliers and current status of relationships
- Discuss major supply agreements including third-party sugarcane supply, if applicable

IV. Personnel
- Discuss company's employment practices, temporary versus permanent workforce, informality, turnover
- Discuss labor union relations, ir any, past and/or anticipated future issues
- Discuss major employee costs

V. Regulatory and legal
- Brief description of any litigation, disputes or investigations that could have any material adverse effect on the company

VI. Others
- Any presentations / reports on the company by third-parties
- Most recent presentation by the company to creditors, rating agencies, institutional investors, if any

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